Archive for July, 2010

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodnight…

July 24, 2010

Alright, now it’s crunch time. It’s time to cut a player out. Maybe it’s scheduling constraints. Maybe it’s a lack of commitment. Hopefully it isn’t inter-player drama. Maybe you’re in a tabletop campaign and somebody’s moving away. Maybe somebody’s got a new job, or a parent with a new job. They’re going out of town long-term, or going off to college. Maybe it’s just the wrong fit. Maybe the player’s sick of the campaign or the DM, or maybe the DM is sick of the player. (Hopefully that’s not it either.)

Or, maybe, it’s not even the player that’s leaving. Maybe the player wants to roll up a new character, so you need to get rid of the old one.

Whatever the scenario, somebody’s leaving.


Let go, Jack!

July 18, 2010

Alright. I’m being a terrible person and instead of going to bed an hour ago like I said I was, I’m awake and updating. Hopefully you’ll forgive me.
