Posts Tagged ‘armor’

NPC Profile #6: Anvil Therinson

January 9, 2011

This is actually an easy one for me. I build fighters the most easily because they most suit my play style. I’m not usually one for impressive displays of magic or the spirit of nature. Give me a hacky thing and things to hack at and I’m happy.

This may or may not influence the way I DM.

NB: Be aware of your leanings when you DM! Playing to your strengths and also branching out into your weaknesses is a good thing to be able to do.

Apparently I like A-names. I’m not sure why.

Anvil Therinson


Treasure Hoards : Part 1

October 24, 2010


I’ve talked before about some of the difficulties with giving characters loot. The general, accepted system with D&D is that you kill the monster and get two different kinds of rewards from the effort expended:

  • experience points, used to level characters and indicate physical and psychological growth


  • treasure, usually taken directly from defeated monsters’ pockets or possessions.

The Dungeon Master’s Guide has a bunch of tables for randomly creating a treasure hoard.
